Timberland Boots


Shop Timberland Boots & Sneakers


Now featuring classic boots to booties to sneaker boots, Timberland has shoes to match your style. And, you can outfit the whole family in a selection of waterproof combat boots, chukka boots, sandals, sneakers and smoothly navigate through cold-weather commutes and your daily activity in head-turning style.

Because everybody needs a boot that’s built for the elements, Famous Footwear offers an assortment of Timberland boots varying in heel length, boot height, weather resistance and color to suit everybody.

Timberland is synonymous with comfort and artistry that stands the test of time. Shop our collection of Timberland boots for men, women and kids and to gear up in a timeless look that’s noticeable from the city streets to your next weekend getaway.

Timberland boots and shoes are made to equip people to get outside and make the most of the outdoors. When you're looking for style that trends urban but still brings a rugged, outdoorsy look, you can't go wrong with classic Timberland boots. From the classic wheat boot that people think of when they refer to Tims, to Timberland boots for women that combine the on-point Tims look with a feminine touch of style, you'll find what you're seeking. Timberland hiking shoes are available, bringing both form and function with style and waterproof leather. Men's Timberland boots include a wide array of leather sneakers, boots, and shoes. And you'll keep the little ones looking stylish and cute in Timberland kids' boots.

Find your fit of Timberland boots today!