Girls' Shoes

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Shop Shoes for Girls


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Watch her run, dance, twirl and play in our girls’ shoes—perfect for every occasion.


From her first pair of oh-so-tiny toddler shoes to the school shoes that she’ll wear on the first day of Kindergarten (hold those tears, Mom!), she’ll go through as many kids’ girl’s shoes as she will milestones. She’ll race from the head of the class to the top of the playground’s jungle gym in her favorite name brand sneakers. Stand tall at the school spelling bee in her comfy boat shoes. And those girls’ dress shoes, mary janes and loafers —it’s like playing dress up, but for real!


She’ll work for weeks to make the team in a pair of girls’ sneakers. And be the star of any room in a pair of flashy light-up shoes. When the weather’s warming and the sun is shining, she’ll shine right back in a pair of lovely sandals.


From every trip to the park to every trip to the beach to every trip to Grandma’s house in slippersclogs or slip ons, these are the styles that will be right there with her every step of the way. And as she grows, so will her style. She’ll graduate from light ups and characters to bold brand names and sophisticated styles of boots. From baby steps to leaps and bounds, she’s really going places. She’ll love every look, while you’ll adore the quality and selection of great name brands.


Wherever she goes, we’ve got her covered with the best shoes for girls at Famous Footwear!


Shop Girls' Shoes by Category:

Sneakers - Sandals - Boots - Boat Shoes - Character & Light Up Shoes - Clogs & Mules - Dress Shoes - Loafers & Oxfords - Mary Janes - Slip On Shoes - Slippers


Shop Kids' Shoes by Age:

Baby Shoes - Toddler Shoes - Little Kid Shoes - Big Kid Shoes