FILA Shoes


Shop FILA Shoes, Sneakers & Sandals


At Famous Footwear, we have FILA sneakers to seal your signature style. From everyday looks to unexpected style, there’s a FILA shoe for every occasion.

Ready to be at the forefront of groundbreaking style? FILA’s got it. With wildly popular styles like the classic "dad sneakers," chunky sole sneakers and sandals—we’re talking to you, FILA Disruptor—you’ll always be fashion-first in top picks at Famous Footwear. So find your favorite sandals and sneakers, make them your own and lead the footwear trends as a style pioneer.

When you crave adventure, take in the views with FILA trail shoes. Or get ready and go for it in running shoes. When you want to kick back and relax, or cool-down after a run, slip on the boldly popular FILA slide sandals. Put in the work (hustle!) and go after the goals in FILA work shoes. Plus, there are so many more FILA shoe styles for your perfect fit in the comfort you want.

Get inspired with your favorite FILA shoes to put together an original look. Always be on point in FILA running shoes, trail shoes, sandals and more. Find your go-to gear and get going with FILA shoes and sandals from Famous Footwear.